Inciting Event
My desire for better information organization comes from experience. Specifically, events that span document types in disparate storage systems. For example, a car accident or medical issue with tax implications.
For a car accident, I might have:
- Pictures of the damage.
- A copy of my auto insurance policy.
- Contact information for: the other driver, the repair shop, etc.
- A police report.
- Notes about time, date, and state of the repairs or claim.
- Links to online resources such as insurance forms.
That information might be stored in:
- My smartphone's photos and/or backed up online.
- PDFs.
- Entries in my phone's addressbook.
- Email.
- Text files or an online note taking app (like Evernote or Microsoft OneNote).
- Browser bookmarks.
Using that many information repositories is a terrible user experience.
Not only do I have the stress of the event and repairs, but now I have to remember where I stored some critical piece of information or find it on demand (no easy task).
I think we can do better. And that belief is what triggered my interest in personal information organization and systems to support that organization and usability.